
I answer an individual question here.

機種変更によるデータ移行 [2016-09-27更新]

標準のGame Centerアプリで移行出来ると記載されていましたが、iOS10からGame Centerアプリが廃止されました。調べてみたらDrago Storyにまだアカウント設定があったのでこれを使えば移行出来ると思います。

Cooking Camp

[Link] Building Guide

Cooking Camp limit of 1 Can be sold
Cost: 3,000 + 99 gold tokens (from Monster Hunt events and Beastbane Display)
Size: 3x3
What can you craft?
* Flour - 30 minutes - 5 flour
* Sugar - 15 minutes - 5 sugarcane
* Simple Feast - 1 hour - 2 grits, 2 bread, 8 fish
* Breaded Fish - 1 hour - 10 fish, 2 bread
* Noodles - 30 minutes - 2 flour, 3 water, 12 eggs
* Pasta - 1 hour - 1 noodles, 8 tomato, 12 mushroom
* Hearty Stew - 2 hours - 8 carrots, 8 roast chicken, 4 water
* Hearty Feast - 2 hours = 1 hearty stew, 1 pasta, 1 breaded fish
* Ivy's hot Sauce - 3 hours - 3 water, 6 hot pepper, 1 rat tail
* Spicy Feast - 4 hours - 25 roast chicken, 5 Ivy's hot sauce, 5 noodles
* Baked Butterfish - 1 hour - 5 butterfish, 2 lemon, 10 milk
* Catfish Soup - 1 hour - 5 catfish, 10 tomato, 10 cabbage
* Mercury Feast - 3 hours - 1 baked butterfish, 1 catfish soup, 20 mushroom
* Ice Cream - 1 hour - 10 milk, 2 sugar, 5 eggs
* Chocolate - 30 minutes - 5 cocoa beans
* Royal Sundae - 2 hours - 1 ice cream, 2 chocolates, 10 strawberry
* Sweet Feast - 6 hours - 5 royal sundae, 5 syrup, 1 silver platter
* Cake - 2 hours - 2 flour, 2 chocolate, 2 sugar
* Smoked Fish Sandwich - 1 hour - 1 bread, 1 butterfish, 5 cabbage